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The Bankers Club of Chicago
Organized 1882

HomeMembership Criteria
Individuals meeting the criteria for membership may register by selecting "Member Signup" from the menu bar located on the left side of your screen. Two current members in good standing are required to sponsor each prospective member and their names must be included when submitting the online application.

ARTICLE II: Membership

The classes and rules in respect of membership shall be as follows:

1. Resident Membership. Resident membership shall be restricted to active Officers, of the Vice President rank or higher (hereinafter Officers), and the Directors of financial institutions located in the City of Chicago or in the Metropolitan Area embracing cities, towns or villages, active Officers and the Directors of the American Bankers Association, the Community Bankers Association of Illinois, the Federal Home Loan Bank, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, the Illinois Bankers Association, and the Independent Community Bankers Association.

A resident member who, through retirement or otherwise, shall cease to meet the eligibility requirements for membership, may request to extend membership, as long as the member’s account is in good standing.
2. Veteran Membership. Any member upon completion of 25 years of continuous membership and attainment of 65 years of age may upon application to the Club’s Secretary become a veteran member.
3. Honorary Membership. Any member who, through retirement or otherwise, shall cease to meet the qualifications of resident membership, may in recognition of special services rendered to the Club or of long connection with it as a resident member, be elected an honorary member. Such an election shall require the unanimous approval of the Executive Committee.
4. Election to Membership. Eligible candidates for resident membership may be submitted online through our web-site,, which shall include the names of at least two sponsoring resident members. Such a candidate, if otherwise qualified, may be admitted to membership in the Club upon review and affirmative decision by the Club's Secretary.
5. Termination of Membership. Membership in the Club shall terminate on the following conditions:
    i. Any resident member who no longer holds the office on which eligibility for membership rests shall automatically forfeit membership; provided that, if honorably retired from service may, if so desires, continue membership in the Club by notifying the Secretary to such effect.
    ii. Any resident member who fails to pay dues before the end of the fiscal year of the Club may forfeit membership.
    iii. Any member may be suspended or expelled upon the affirmative vote of not less than four members of the Executive Committee.
    iv. Any member may withdraw by notifying the Secretary of the Club.